Service Measures Update Regarding COVID-19
We at OnePlan would like to assure our clients that we have robust Business Continuity measures in place to ensure your service remains secure and support remains available over the coming weeks. Our Technical Support Team are now working remotely from home with full access to OnePlan systems. OnePlan and our customer service and helplines remain open as usual for you and your care workers. We are aware there has been intermittent mobile network phone coverage nationwide due to demand on service, therefore you may have experienced signal disruption today. We are monitoring this closely. Please can you advise your care workers they may have intermittent service however the OnePlan App will store and send any call information entered as soon as signal resumes. We appreciate this may be a difficult time for our clients and their staff, therefore we have extended our emergency on-call support hours to include 7am- 9am and 5pm-9pm on weekdays. We have made updates to o...