September New Features- Date Filters and Qualification Reports
Day / Week Filters On Templates Screen - New Feature On staff and client template pages you can now filter the template rota by the day or week. You can also select multiple days and weeks to view more than one at a time. These selections will save as you switch between client and staff to make it easier and more efficient to move around the system. Qualification Report - New Feature Within the general reports section on the reports page you will find a new qualification report. This report will allow users to see what qualifications a client requires, what qualifications a staff has, all the clients that require a certain qualification and all of the staff that have a certain qualification. This report will allow you to manage your qualifications much more efficiently saving you time when it comes to renewing certificates. OnePlan is an innovative, intuitive system designed with care providers for care providers to meet and surpass CQC KLOEs. Our ...