
Showing posts from March, 2019

Top Tips to Help You Choose a Care Software

Whether you're still paper-based or you currently have a software that isn't meeting your needs, navigating the software options on the market can be overwhelming. We've put together a simple checklist to help you make the right decision for your business. 1. Brainstorm the features you want from your new software.  What problems are you facing within your business, where are you wasting the most time on administration and what would be your 'wish list' to save you time and improve your service? This will help you create your own personal checklist to find a software that fits your way of working.  2. Make sure it has NFC Technology.  NFC is the latest development in ECM and a vital component to help you operate your business safely and effectively. Carers clock in and out with a swipe of their phones recording the time and location of their call. Find out more about NFC here:

7 Cost Effective Ways to Improve Care Quality

Social Care is just one of the sectors faced with increasingly difficult conditions in our current socio-economic climate, easily finding themselves overstretched due to lack of available funding and rising demand. We have put together our Top 7 ways to improve care quality without breaking the bank.    1. Review your processes to free up time. The most valuable resource in good care delivery is time. In an ideal world we would be able to take the time to ensure our clients physical and emotional needs are met to the fullest extent, however, the burden of extensive, while necessary, paperwork and potentially overstretched staff can be a barrier to this goal. Saving time on administration can allow staff to dedicate more time directly to their clients. Simplifying processes and banishing as much paperwork as possible is a direct route to freeing up valuable time. Using a good Electronic Call Monitoring system can save time in a multitude...

OnePlan is Proud to Support Bone Cancer Research Trust- The Adam Panther Tribute Fund

Raising vital funds in memory of Adam Panther OnePlan are proud to announce their partnership with the Bone Cancer Research Trust with The Adam Panther Tribute Fund. Adam Panther was the much loved son of Chris and Sue Newsome, who sadly passed away after a brave battle with Bone Cancer. You can read more about his inspiring story here: To date we have raised almost £15,000 in memory of Adam. Funding is essential for research and treatment trials as unfortunately as a form of rare cancer, Bone Cancer lacks the vital investment needed to find better treatments and prevent other families going through this. Text BCRTADAP to 70800 to Donate £5 A word from Sue. "Our son Adam loved life and was such a kind and happy, fun loving son and brother to Nathan. He was 18 when he was diagnosed with  osteosarcoma  in his knee and after early scans was told it was metastatic and had spread to his lungs. From...